Getting the Call – What to Expect as a Foster Parent
Have you ever received a phone call that forever changed your life? Foster families receive calls that do just that. Our family referred to it as “Getting the Call.” Once we were finally certified as a foster family, we waited anxiously for “the call.” It’s similar to being 9 months pregnant and wondering every day […]
Preparing to Foster – What to Expect
Foster care was on our hearts for years before we finally started the process. What took so long? Mostly fear…fear of the unknown…fear of falling in love with a child and saying good-bye…fear of not being good enough. When we decided to face those fears head on we still had no idea what to expect. […]
Adopted = Wanted – The Truth About Adoption
Saying Goodbye – Our Fostering Journey
Our fostering journey started 6 years before we even took the first step to be certified, when we witnessed another family foster/adopt their first son. Adoption had been on our hearts since we dated, but this was the first we had ever heard of foster adoption. For 6 years we wrestled with God over the […]